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uPVC Windows and French Doors IDEAL 4000 | Leitrim | #325

uPVC Windows and French Doors IDEAL 4000 | Leitrim | #325

Products used in this realization:


  • Glazing: triple glazed
  • Extras: warm edge spacer, under-window sill strip, window sills, toughened glazing, low aluminium threshold
  • Windows Colour: Exterior Walnut/ Interior Golden Oak
  • Average thermal coefficient: 1,00 W/m2·K


Service, products, delivery and installation: € 17 567

Lead time

Without fitting: 4 – 6 weeks
Including fitting: 10-14 weeks

The customer about this realization


Great service from Kinga, Simon, Marcin and his team. They did everything they promised and did on time with high quality.

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