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uPVC Windows and French Doors IDEAL 8000 | Co. Cork | #193

uPVC Windows and French Doors IDEAL 8000 | Co. Cork | #193

Products used in this realization:


  • Glazing: triple glazed
  • Extras: warm edge spacer, under-window sill strip, window sills, frosted pane, hidden hinges, toughened glazing
  • Windows Colour: 2-sided AP116 / BrillandWeiss
  • U-Value of the joinery: 0.82 W/m2·K


Service, products, delivery and installation: € 10 709

Lead time

7 weeks (production + delivery)

The customer about this realization


Delighted with the service we received from Fenbro, such a pleasure to deal with from start to finish they are so professional. I would highly recommend them for all your door and window needs.

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