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These regulations define the general terms, conditions, and sale methods conducted under the brand by Fenbro Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Poland, at Aleje Jerozolimskie 181 B, 02-222, Warsaw, NIP (tax identification number) VAT PL7011070120, VAT UK GB 422325925.
The Seller can be contacted at the e-mail address: [email protected] or via Messenger: .
Seller – means Fenbro Sp. z o.o. company, Poland, at Aleje Jerozolimskie 181 B, 02-222, Warsaw, NIP (tax identification number) VAT PL7011070120, VAT UK GB 422325925, which is the owner of at the same time.
Regulations – means these Regulations.
Goods – means the products presented by the Seller on the website
Services – means the services offered by the Seller on the website
Supplier – means an entity which the Seller cooperates with, in the delivery of Goods
Customer – means an entity for which services may be provided electronically or with which a Sales Contract can be concluded in accordance with the Regulations and legal provisions.
Order – refers to the Customer’s declaration of intent sent to the Seller, constituting an invitation to conclude a remote contract for the sale of goods, specifying, among others, Goods that the Customer intends to buy, their number and the Customer’s data necessary to conclude and perform the Sales Contract of Goods covered by the Order.
Delivery – means the actual act of delivering to the Customer by the Seller, via the Supplier, the Goods specified in the Order.
Sales contract – means a sales contract concluded electronically on the terms defined in the Regulations, between the Customer and the Seller.
The Digital Services Act – Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 October 2022 on the single market for digital services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC (Digital Services Act) (OJ L 277, 27/10/2022, pp. 1-102).
Illegal Content – information which, by itself or by reference to the operation, including the selling of Goods or providing Services, is not in accordance with the law of the European Union or with the law of any Member State that is consistent with the law of the European Union, regardless of the specific subject matter or nature of this right.
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